We are proud to announce the impending launch of a series of novels written specifically with younger Blizzard
gamers in mind. This series of novels, titled Fledgling Heroes, will focus primarily on themes and topics that
are relevant to teen and tween readers while still delivering epic.
At Blizzard Entertainment, we’ve been telling stories for years. Stories about demons from a plane of eternal
torment and insatiable hive-mind aliens ravaging the galaxy. Tales of armies clashing mercilessly across
worlds without end. These are big stories, stories that we love—but are they real enough? Do they convey the
true humanity of the characters you’ve come to know and love (or hate)?
Starting this year, our new Fledgling Heroes series of young adult novels, aimed at our growing tween and teen
audience, will give you a chance to watch iconic Blizzard characters fall in love, overdo it with concealer,
and tackle that most dangerous of raids: the emergency house party.
Kruzz has it tough. Ever since his parents sent him away to live in cosmopolitan Stormwind, life’s been
bleak. By fate or just a cruel trick of biology, he’s growing faster than the other kids. Everyone makes fun
of the way he talks, and Kruzz’s body image issues are so paralyzing that he’s begun to wear a disguise to
But then one day, he meets a gnome. Rolli’s a star forward on the flag capture team. She’s inspirational—
passionate, hotheaded, and unafraid to break the rules—and shockingly, she seems really interested in Kruzz!
There’s only one problem: Kruzz is an ogre! And he can’t stop eating, especially in a kingdom full of
thousands of two-legged meats.
Rolli might care about him, but first she’ll have to get over the fact that they look really awkward
together. Meanwhile, Kruzz is forced to make the most difficult of choices: embrace Rolli as the girl he’s
always wanted, or cook and eat her before she realizes he’s planning to cook and eat her.